Hello! I'm going to be answering the 13 personal questions, which is a tag that's been going around youtube recently. So here are the questions.. :)
1. What do you order at Starbucks?
I order the Coffee Frappacino mostly all year round but if it's really cold then a Caramel Mocha Latte, yum;)
2. What's one thing in your closet that you cannot live without?
Cardigans! I wear cardigans with eveeerything!
3. What's one thing that most people probably wouldn't know about you?
Umm, hard one.. I don't really know! Either that I have something called HyperMobility (because it doesnt make me look any different! haha) and it's a condition where you are basically reeally bendy and your joins (say your elbows) can bend quite a bit further than they should, and because of that my knee has dislocated a few times and i have to go to hospital and it's the most painful thing:( Or... that i have a Great-Grandad who is about 104/105 now and lives in Australia LOL ;)
4. Name one thing that you want to do before you die
Umm.. i reaally dont know! I don't like plan masssively ahead (even though i've kinda planned out my future LOL) but never really thought about it.. Probably have a baby :):):) haha becausee i obviously want a baby when i'm older anyway, but if you think about it, it's quite a big achievement!- like carrying and raising a human being, and it's a life commitment so yaa :))
5. What's one food that you cannot live without?
Hmm.. I love food. Like I can eat anything, i'm the most un-fussy person ever haha! But probaaaably pasta because there's so many different types and you can have anything with it really, e.g. Spagghetti, chicken pasta, spicy pasta, creamy pastaaa etc;)
6. What quote/phrase do you live your life by?
Well i dont really have a specific 'quote' I just live by thinking just do what you want to do in life and don't let anyone stop you. Like, if you want to do something then go for it! It doesn't matter what other people say, because you're doing it for you and not them and you don't live to impress others.
7. What do you like and dislike about the YT community?
I like that i think it's amazing how anyone in the world can do it, and it doesnt matter who you are! The beauty YT community is like a little (well biggg) family, and anyone can join. I don't like the whole fakeness that some gurus develop, as in saying how good a product is when theyre being sponsored to say it, and you kind of lose trust in that person. But a lot of people dont do that, there's just a few! haha.
8. What's your number one most listened to song on iTunes?
Urm let me check :) 'Blah blah blah' by Kesha hahaa, i havnt gone on iTunes for so long now Limewires gone, so that was ageess ago!
9. What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
I dont really know, like most people out there haha. I'd say just whatever I feel like that day! Kind of a mix of casual, simple and girly, but I do love to dress up on nights out of course! haha.
10. Favorite number
Three! Always has been and probably always will be. :)
11. Two hobbies
Urmm, dancing and .. i dont know another one really, makeup i suppose! I love playing around with it and making up different looks etc.
12. Two pet peeves
Hmmmmm.. i have a lot of pet peeves! And i mean A lotttt! I think i might do a whole blog on them at some point ;) But probably when you're sitting next to/near someone and they keep making continuous irritating noises! Like sniffing, or chewing really loudly, or hitting their foot against a table LOL. That just annoys me, and also when you're talking to someone and you know they're not listening! Then they ask you a question about it later in the day or something and you're like 'I told you earlier!' Lolll;)
13. Guilty Pleasure
Umm, watching youtube videos i think! I'm always just sitting there at night watching YT vids and I look at the time and it's like 1 in the morning!-_- So addictive! Haha!
Ok that was all the questions, I tag you if you want to do it!
Abbie x
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